Day 78: Halloween revisited
Dogg Man: Beanz wrote a letter to you while in the desert. We saved it for today. JT Man Zee Zee, It’s October. Halloween. I’m sure you...
Dogg Man: Beanz wrote a letter to you while in the desert. We saved it for today. JT Man Zee Zee, It’s October. Halloween. I’m sure you...
Karsten, I sought permission from your Dad to write a letter to you, because you’ve been on my mind for quite some time now, and more...
KT Man, We’re putting the hats on sale today and I have a dream that one day, we’ll be walking down the street and run into people...
KT, I spent the night roaming about in various rooms of the past. Mostly about you but others were present. I know I had softly promised...
KT Man, Another day and another coin in the meter, marking time. Parked for a while during another day of distractions for the sole...
KT Man, The desert has been a bit of solace. Such harsh land with mostly rocks and then more rocks. Papago Park is almost as we left it,...
KT: This letter was written by Beanz in tribute to you. In the middle of the night. JT Ellen, Thank you for such a beautiful tribute to...
Karsten, The days begin as all others: previously. Even though we’ve migrated to the desert for solace in the sun, it rained. Oregon...
Karsten, I was given a book by Doug after the Celebration of Life: The Year of Magical Thinking written by Joan Didion in 2005. It was a...
Karsten, My letter today is about the subject line. The question’s why? Why do I arise early in the morning and write a letter to you?...
KT, The recording of your Celebration of Life was officially opened this weekend. I thought it appropriate to acknowledge your being...
KT, A funny happenstance occurred yesterday. I was helping a friend of a friend whose daughter was having some difficulty in middle...
KT, The weather in Oregon lately has been nothing but sunshine. Clear blue skies not like the smoke haze earlier this summer. Cool nights...
KT Man, The days roll by and you seem positioned in our life in an unsteady way. One day we hope to change that. It’s better than the...
Karsten, Today’s letter is about the DVD produced by Ellen. I so wish you were alive and able to view it. Linda and I received a copy...
KT, The boat’s slowly drifting off. Untethered. Filled with grief slowly turning to sadness. A deep sadness revealing nothing in...
Dogg Man, The world has divided into two realities: Real and unreal with your death separating them. All was real before August 14. Now...
KT, The picture is from two years ago on a bicycle trip with Tom Bob across the country: three thousand miles in a month. A journey well...
KT, It’s been a long week. So many things stolen and so many calls to retrieve them from thieves needing to live. Though not a preferred...
Dogg Man, The pain comes from the contradictions. Being at work and not working with passion. Just doing. This manner of life is so...