Day 98: Competition
KT Man, Your life was mostly sports: The center piece revolving around a ball. Soccer, basketball, and baseball, then football and golf....
KT Man, Your life was mostly sports: The center piece revolving around a ball. Soccer, basketball, and baseball, then football and golf....
KT Man, ‘Kindness is cool. It lets you experience things you never would have.’ Your ability to exude kindness was remarkable and we’ll...
KT Man, I believe the part of you we may miss the most is your approach to life. Of course, that involves all of your attributes. A...
KT, This attribute of yours seems to best depict yesterday: Just let me show you what I can do. It’ll surprise us both. It’ll surprise us...
KT Man, Your love of sports was beautiful and defined you so well. I can’t remember where this love came from but it was always present,...
KT, I received the following email from your good buddy and fellow team mate, Hunter. I can't say it any better. We love you. Dad...
KT Man, everyday and tell her you love her. I know of no other kid who did this. Even through adolescence when guys are curated to be...
KT Man, It’s the beginning of the wind down for my writing so I thought it time to go back over your attributes; to be sure you are...
Karsten, Today is Mads’ birthday though we celebrated it yesterday. I know this would have been an important celebration for you, given...
KT Man, On Day 39, I wrote a letter to Phil and Penny Knight, as expected every year, to thank them for funding my endowed professorship....
KT, The grief from your death we are experiencing seems to move every day. Sometimes quiet with apportions acceptable. For no other...
Karsten, The day began as all days: Previously. An early morning drive to a workshop in the high desert. Out of the Willamette Valley and...
Karsten, I’m traveling for work and plan to see my good buddy Mike today; he was so important in getting your application to the Sports...
KT, The days of the past week or so have been spent preparing, much like you would been with your classmates and your 5Fore team mates....
Karsten, The days come hard. Seems like they’re harder more than ever these days. A double comparative. Day 84. Yesterday. Hence, the...
KT, The transition from your Celebration of Life at Whittier College (WC) to our life in Eugene went as expected. Flights: always a work...
Dogg Man, The trip was short: In and out of LAX over the weekend for a Celebration of Life: Your life. A tour of campus and tour de force...
KT, After an early flight, we arrived in LAX. It was interesting that the time to taxi the plane to the gate, navigate the airport to...
KT Man, We flew to Whittier today to celebrate a game in your honor. Your good buddies from the football team helped organize this. Sev...
KT, The nights dissolve into mornings with reminders of you more present early in the day that then recede during the day. I think it’s...