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  • Writer's pictureGerald Tindal

Day 216: The Mourning of Graduation

Updated: Mar 19, 2019


It’s all so very sad but we are determined to hold our heads high and move forward. Your day has arrived and you aren’t here. We will be accepting your posthumous degree today as your classmates receive theirs. The ceremony will be so bitter sweet. Many words will be delivered in oratories by Ellen, Matt, Katie, Hunter and others.

The SPM program has begun awarding the Karsten Tindal Leadership Award to the most deserving individual or team. The award is a beautiful sculpted hat with the names engraved annually on its base. Sometime soon, the program also will be announcing the name(s) of the first individual(s) to receive the annual Karsten Tindal Memorial Scholarship. So buddy, you may not be here in life but you are everywhere among us in spirit.

Every year the program will make these awards and we will keep you close to us. It’s not nearly as good as the real thing which is you in our daily existence with your wonderful roll, accepting approach to everything, even when things go sideways. For 28 years you made such a difference and will continue to make a difference in our lives.

So this is the morning of and we will be part of the most wonderful gift that parents can have: An appreciation of their kids, both you and Sev, that rises above life and provides meaning. We will no doubt struggle every day, but we will cherish the both of you.


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