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  • Writer's pictureGerald Tindal

Day 2189: Present and Presence Separated by No Longer


It’s that time of year: The day you moved into our life differently. No longer with your daily call to Mama Lama. No longer with your razzing Sev Beanz and floating like a leaf on the river. And no longer giving me your best shot whether boxing, working, or working out.

Yesterday is Year Six and it remains as elusive as ever. We’ve given up trying to make sense of it all. We’ve tried forgetting the footage from yesterday. And we’ve left being a prisoner of the past or planning much for the future. The moments are all we have so we continue threading them together with your presence. And you are very much and always will be part of that presence. Enormous in the quiet of the night and skipping stones across events in the day. Connecting people, friends and family, who ensure you are more than a memory.

For most, life runs over so many non-consequential events that they end up piled in an incomprehensible heap. For you, it is a joy to place your life in a context that's all about others, whether you’re tailgating or sporting. It’s this placement in context that lets us draw deep meaning from your life and keeps you present with friends and family. Leaving a legacy like few can do: An Annual Golf Tournament to benefit others that indeed is a celebration of your life and all the good people around us.

So here’s to another year. 

We will again ruin a perfectly good game of golf and afterwards celebrate your life with a beer at the table for you.

You will never be forgotten.

Beanz, Mama Lama, and DadMan

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