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  • Writer's pictureGerald Tindal

Day 1367: Time Was When…


I wrote this on Mother’s Day because you were a Mother’s Day baby. I posted on your birthday because the day of reckoning intervened and I wanted to be at peace with myself and your birth on May 13, 1990. You would have been 32. So, it has been another year and yet today remains like yesterday when you were with us and now you are gone. Time was when…

The difference is stark because the memories remain strong, and your image remains unchanged. The quiet reflections in the night remain unresolved but you remain a presence in our life because of who you were. In the course of every day, we sort between life and death, an uneasy partner, unforgetting and ever present. You are strength in the light of day, but dark reflections in the middle of night. At least we have the strength of light to shake the reflections in the night.

So, you are remembered. For you, it was food, family, and friends. The order is important. For us, food is optional, but family and friends carry us through the day. You are remembered when time was with you. Your life is honored with honor. For your acceptance of people with ease. For your attention to sports with purpose. And for your love of life as is, with expectations held in abeyance, allowing you to roll.

You are honored by students in the Sports Product Management Program, who benefit from your scholarship, the Karsten Tindal Memorial Scholarship. You are honored through the Karsten Tindal Leadership Award, selected by students in the program to reflect your qualities: Athlete, Authentic, Collaborative, Curious, Generous…You are honored through a new non-profit – The Karsten Tindal Legacy Strong Collaborative – organized by Sev Beanz as the Founding Director and supported by a board of kindred spirits who have a zest for life and a compassion for your presence.

Honoring you is the only way forward with your death and the only way for ensuring you are present in our life for the time was when…

JT, Mama Lama, and Sev-Beanz

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