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Day 38: Campus

Karsten, It’s been 10 years since you moved out of the house. Summer 2008. Move to Whittier. Become a footballer. Begin classes. Start an...

Day 37: Juxtaposed

KT, Another installment on process: Today. We’ll see how it goes but all bets are off without you to guide us. Sev, Mads, Linda, and I...

Day 36: Death

Karsten, Five weeks have passed since your death. Our life is moving back slowly into the slip stream of life and we question our...

Day 35: The bus

KT, I’m on the Greyhound bus this morning, traveling to Portland. Strange to be traveling in this manner. The morning’s barely breaking...

Day 34: BRT family

KT Man, We had another celebration last night. It was as auspicious as the last one. More for the closeness of people present than the...

Day 33: Where do we go from here?

KT Man, This morning, your mom and I sat quietly in my office overlooking your forest yard. It was early and quiet. The only break in the...

Day 32: Cars

Karsten, I noticed something about my recent letters: They tend to be datelined with reference to the previous day. One day, I’ll think...

Day 31: Moving forward

Karsten, We came back from the coast and are now trying to resolve our life and your death. The cruel twins of disbelief and despair...

Day 30: The ocean revisited

KT Man, Yesterday was not just another tough reminder but also an adjuster. The ocean changes people: It adjusts them with a gentle and...

Day 29: The ocean

Karsten, Linda, Sev, and I are headed to the ocean today. Mads is back in Hillsboro muscling through the dual gremlins of grief and work....

Day 28: Departures and disbelief

KT Man, The days are still awfully tough. So much grief that won’t leave and the night turning to day with the disbelief that you’ve...

Day 27: The day

KT, Yesterday was truly remarkable. Somehow, an entire community from far flung places, from different generations, and from different...

Day 25: KT's pool hall

KT, Yesterday was a long day; every day’s a long day. But it ended in a special way. Alone. I sat in your pool hall long into the evening...

Day 24: The deep reach of people

Karsten, Somehow we’ve divided the world of people into family and friends. The division’s needless for me and I know it meant nothing to...

Day 23: Murphy

Dogg Man, My bad. I’ve been remiss in not updating you about Murphy. What can I say? Nothing’s changed and it’s all different now. A...

Day 22: Athletics and sports

Dogg Man, It’s been over three weeks and it’s still unreal. I continue to mull and fuss and replay the video and nothing changes but the...

Day 21: Letters

KT Man, Every night is spent in the dark, musing about you. Though I know this word fits, I thought about variations and indeed it fits...

Day 20: Torn asunder

Dear KT, We want you back in our life not as a memory but the real dude: hence the subject line. The past 20 days have torn us apart and...

Day 19: Different

KT, An odd thought occurred to me in the middle of the night: Morning and mourning are different in one letter only. This might explain...

Day 18: Football season

KT, We went to the first game of the season for South Eugene High School. You were all over it. Everywhere. It was memory lane of you and...

Letters to KT: Blog2

©2018 by Gerald Tindal.

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